Seven new food supplements for the complete protection of the most significant bodily systems As we constantly focus on our role and responsibility of helping improve […]
The PROTECT line of adVET for pets includes 11 food supplements, formulas designed by veterinary experts to support the optimal function of animal body systems and […]
Vetro Solutions received the license to manufacture pharmaceuticals in the factory of Iași Veterinary medicine constantly evolves. Nowadays, the “new normality” is represented by the availability […]
Coca Cascaval, CEO of Vetro Solutions, answered a short questionnaire by the editorial board of Forbes Romania as a part of the editorial project Summer Plans […]
An interview with Dumitru Fodor, the founder of Vetro, on his passion for animals and veterinary medicine, on investments and innovative solutions: launching the veterinary use […]
Coca Caşcaval, Vetro Solutions: We will inaugurate the veterinary drug factory in 2021, following 4.5 million EUR investments. We will be investing another 5 million EUR […]